Proof of His Love

Proof of His Love


Proof of His Love

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Jul 29, 2024

How do I know God loves me?
In this message, Guest speaker Chad Veach wraps up our Sizzlin’ Summer series with a powerful message on the love of God our Father and His desire to transform us from the inside out. Our prayer is that you were encouraged by this message!

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I Thought I Was Stuck

I Thought I Was Stuck


I Thought I Was Stuck

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Jul 22, 2024

What to do when life seems impossible?
In this message, guest speaker Earl McClellan brings an encouraging word on God’s power to take situations that seem impossible and turn them into the very thing that lift us up from the valley. Our prayer is that you are encouraged and reminded of God’s love for you today!

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Good Hands

Good Hands


Good Hands

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Jul 15, 2024

How does God shape people?
In this message, Guest Speaker DawnCheré Wilkerson shares an encouraging word about the trust we can have that we are in the good hands of our heavenly father even through the pressures of life. Our prayer is that this message would build your faith as you listen today!

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Calm Before the Storm

Calm Before the Storm


Calm Before the Storm

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Jul 8, 2024

How do I deal with my anxiety?

In this message we kick off Sizzlin’ Summer with Guest Speaker, Manny Arango, as he shares a powerful word for those struggling with anxiety. Our prayer is that this message would encourage you today and remind you of God’s promises for your life.

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