A Supernatural Life

A Supernatural Life

A Supernatural Life

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Jun 26, 2023

In this final message from the Power Today series, lead Pastor John Lindell shares about the supernatural power that God has for the life of the believer. Our prayer is this message would be encouraging as you experience the power of God in your own life!

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God in the Storm

God in the Storm

God in the Storm

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Jun 19, 2023

In this message, Pastor Brandon Lindell shares how you can experience God’s supernatural peace and power through the storms of life. Our prayer is that you would be strengthened by the LORD and encouraged by His presence.

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The ABC’s of Sharing Your Faith

The ABC’s of Sharing Your Faith

The ABC’s of Sharing Your Faith

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Jun 13, 2023

In this message from our Power Today series, Ps John Lindell gives five great steps on how to share your faith with anyone you meet! Our prayer is this message will encourage you to step out and share what God has done and is doing in your life!

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The Problem With Procrastination

The Problem With Procrastination

The Problem With Procrastination

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Jun 6, 2023

In this message, Lead Pastor John Lindell identifies the dangers of procrastination and the urgency of salvation. Our prayer is this message will encourage you and strengthen your faith!

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Coincidence or Providence

Coincidence or Providence

Coincidence or Providence

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May 29, 2023

In this message, Pastor David Lindell helps us learn about living in the providence of God’s provision. Our prayer is that you are inspired and strengthened by this encouraging word!

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A Clear Conscience

A Clear Conscience

A Clear Conscience

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May 22, 2023

In this message, Lead Pastor John Lindell shares with us how we can train and guard our conscience according to God’s word. Our prayer is this message would grow your understanding and encourage you in your walk with God!

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